A place where I can share interesting ideas and maybe get a few things off my chest

No Regrets (OctPoWriMo #10)

I hoped to set myself free, released from so many regrets
But I saw each choice gave way to events or people well met
How can I rue a “bad” decision that led to happiness?
It seems that joy has always risen from times of tears and stress
Sometimes the paths we’re meant to explore seem to lead us to hell
And yet with each hard lesson won, we can find much good as well
With each road chosen, we try to ken a way to hedge our bets
Plan each and every step ahead like we’re in a game of chess
Which mistakes then might bring the best endings? Time and we will tell

Today’s OctPoWriMo offering is in the form of a CingTroisDecaLa Rhyme, risen from the prompts: letting go, forgiveness, victory, smoke

Comments on: "No Regrets (OctPoWriMo #10)" (3)

  1. Love: Which mistakes then might bring the best endings?


  2. Herbert Shapiro said:

    Let a smile be your umbrella, On a rainy, rainy day.”


  3. Herbert Shapiro said:

    We love our Beagle with the sensitive nose, She sniffs up a storm Wherever she goes.She’s sweet and she’s quiet Other Beagles are often a riot, Not her, not our Bella.

    But now, she’s 13 years old, No longer a sprout, And her legs are giving out. It looks like she won’t be with us Much longer. Missing her would be like missing a daughter, I’ll likely miss her more than I aw-ter

    She and I are having a race to the finish. We should both be where we were Young as a pup, If she’s not there, I don’t wanna wake up.


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